About us

We are a rambling and social group based in Brighton and Hove.  We offer a wide range of walks throughout Sussex on Wednesday's and Sunday's. The average distance of walks is 7-9 miles. All ages are welcome - many members are retired. The cost of an annual membership is just £8.00 

There are usually between six and twenty people on a walk. Various styles and types of walks are offered. More details are in our 'Walking programme' page.

A number of social activities, for members only, are held throughout the year including an Annual walking holiday, Pub walks and a Skittles evening. 


Members using public transport should check times in the latest timetables.   All train times are given from Brighton.   Where a car park (CP) is indicated, its use may involve a fee.

Cancellation of a ramble due to bad weather is the responsibility of the leader.   The leader will make the decision from home and he/she should be contacted there. Normally if the walk is to be cancelled the leader will have contacted the Webmaster to issue an email. Therefore, Members intending to go on a walk should check their emails on the morning of the walk or earlier. A list of Leaders’ phone numbers is available on the 'Walking Programme' page - Leaders-Contact list 20xx with the usual password. 

Members requiring lifts should make their own arrangements in advance, but this can be done by contacting the leader of the walk to see if they know of anybody that could possibly give one.   This should be done at least one day before the walk.   Passengers normally contribute £4.00 each to the driver.

Footpaths:  Details of obstructed, or ploughed-up paths, or damaged or blocked stiles should be reported to the relevant East/West Sussex Authority.   (See 'Links' page).

Neither the Club, nor its officers, committee members or ramble leaders can accept responsibility for any injury or loss sustained by a member or other person taking part in the Club’s activities.

Please observe the Country Code at all times.   In particular:

                Fasten all gates

                Keep to paths across farmland

                Avoid damage to fences, hedges, walls and crops

                Leave no litter

                Do not pick wild flowers or damage plants

When road walking, keep in single file (behind the leader) and walk on the right hand side to face oncoming traffic.

Always wear suitable clothing and carry waterproofs and extra layers as appropriate to the season.   Wear boots or shoes with a good sole to prevent slipping.   Always carry adequate drinks to accompany your packed lunch to prevent dehydration in hot weather.

Please note dogs are welcome provided they are kept on a lead.